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UK Summer Camps

Children exploring outdoors

7th July - 17th August

For children aged 10-17

At Myddelton College, we are proud to offer a unique Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) experience, which allows participants to take part in challenge, risk-taking and the great outdoors.


Our Outdoor Adventure Education promotes independence, confidence, resilience, and a real sense of achievement. OAE also provides a safe space to explore mental well-being, which helps participants become well-rounded and balanced individuals.


Our camps utilise our experience and skill, to offer your child the opportunity to join us for two weeks of fast-paced fun and learning in the heart of the Welsh countryside.


Myddelton College Summer Camp Fee Information
Adcote School for Girls Main Campus

14th July - 24th August

For children aged 10-17

Children will embrace outdoor learning with exciting excursions to the surrounding towns and cities, as well as participate in engaging activities on our extraordinary campus.


They will develop new skills, make friends from all over the world, build confidence and learn fascinating things from our unique classes, where we combine subjects like English and Science with fun educational activities.


During their stay with us, your child will take part in exercises that promote teamwork, build agility, and improve their communication skills and coordination which will help towards enhancing their independence.


Marshmellows over an open flame with students
Sevenoaks School Main Campus

3rd July - 31st July

For children aged 11-17

The Summer Programme is an academic enrichment course for bright, ambitious students aged 11-17 with a strong level of English.


The academic aspect of the course includes four modules: Critical Thinking, Social Leadership, Creativity and Digital Skills. Each module is a ten-hour course and the variety on offer gives students a taste of what academic life is like at Sevenoaks School. Classes are separated by age and parents receive a detailed report from their child’s teachers at the end of the programme.

Sevenoaks School Main Campus
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